Next Open Mic
Elgin Inn Hotel
75 Burwood Road Hawthorn
Sunday July 28th
12.30pm - 4pm
1.00 - 1.30pm
2.30 - 3.00pm
Welcome to the Warriors Victoria
Music Club
For music playing enthusiasts around Melbourne
Welcome home Warriors!
We hope that similar minded pop, rock and blues singers and players will meet, network and collaborate after meeting
at the music club outings.
We are a community of fun-loving musicians and live music supporters who have come together to share our passion for performing live music in a supportive and nurturing environment.
If this sounds like you, why not come along & check it out. It's free entry & no obligation to perform.
What’s Happening?
Great New venue for Warriors Victoria
Music Club
Elgin Inn Hotel (upstairs)
75 Burwood Road Hawthorn
Music from 12.30 to 4.00pm
We will have two guest bands each playing a half hour
set for us - TBA 1.00 - 1.30pm and
TBA 2.30 - 3.00pm
Plenty of whiteboard time for instant pop-up bands.
The fantastic Elgin Inn Hotel in Hawthorn at 75 Burwood Road is a great venue that offers a full lunch menu. We are very happy to be welcomed there for our get-togethers. The next gig there is
July 28th! We will be upstairs with our own PA, drum kit and amps so come along to the Elgin Inn Hotel Hawthorn and
bring your friends, instruments, picks and sticks.
Come and get some stage time experience with us,
make some new friends and have some fun!
July 28th
August 25th
Sept 22nd
October 27th
Who are we?
Warriors Victoria was formed in 2004 to provide amateur musicians with the opportunity to pursue their musical interests once they had completed the Weekend Warriors programme. Originally formed with the interests of Weekend Warrior participants in mind, we now cater for all amateur musicians regardless of age, ability or musical experience.
The origins and purpose of Warriors Victoria, and the difference between Warriors Victoria and Weekend Warriors, is best described in this excerpt from the first newsletter of Warriors Victoria published in February 2004:
‘Warriors Victoria – Who are we?
Do you know the similarities between Weekend Warriors and Warriors Victoria?
The Weekend Warriors programme arrived in Brisbane in 2002 after enjoying a 10-year success in the United States and Canada. In 2003 the programme was started in Melbourne.
The original Weekend Warrior organizers recognized that there are many people in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s who used to play music and had rock star dreams when they were young but gave up due to family and career. It was also noticed that many of these people were returning to buy musical instruments in their +30’s.
These “bedroom musicians” were then recruited, formed into bands with other similar musicians that they had previously never met, rehearsed over a 4-week period with a professional coach and then put on stage in a concert. The focus of the Weekend Warrior programme being to get people back out playing music again and enjoying themselves.
Warriors Victoria is an extension of the ideals of the Weekend Warrior programme. While being distinct and separate from Weekend Warriors, Warriors Victoria hopes to encourage the continuing enjoyment and development of members as musicians…….’
Warriors Victoria nowadays is open to all-comers, and participation in the Weekend Warriors programme is not a prerequisite to join. If the idea of having a jam, networking or joining a band appeals to you, or even if you just want to check things out, rock up to an open mic. Speak to a committee member/organizer when you arrive and you’ll be given a warm welcome and a spot on stage if desired. Full backline and drums are provided, but BYO guitar, bass, keyboard, drum sticks etc.
Get in Touch
We'd love to hear from you!
Contact us with your Name, Phone & Email about any information on
Warriors Victoria, YouTube recordings etc.
Sign Up!
Annual MEMBERSHIPS for 2024 are just $40
The Day Tripper fee is $10.00 for those just wanting to participate for one day.
see details below for online payment
Please put your name in the reference box on the transaction and email a copy of the deposit receipt to -